Friday, June 27, 2008

Movie review

I recently picked up this Jimmy Carter documentary at the local DVD store. Like most DVDs that are available for purchase here in China, the origin of this particular DVD is somewhat murky. The funny thing you see on a lot of these is that the basics of the DVD cover look fine, but if you really look at the text it often turns out to be pretty funny. This is a great case in point. You probably can't read it on the blog itself, but double-click on the second image to read the review of this movie. Either this is a fake DVD or Sony Pictures has to take a much better look at the quality of its marketing department.

1 comment:

Elliott said...

I've been perusing your Funky China posts and this is one of the best. I had to look up the movie to see if it was for real - it is. I'm dying to know where that review came from. Too choice.