Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Amusement Park Darwinism

We went on this crazy ride at the Ho Chi Minh City amusement park that was like a version of It’s a Small World with these really cheesy looking dinosaurs in it. Some rubber toothed dinosaurs were set up to pop out at you when you went around a turn. They definitely succeeded in scaring you, but they were so goofy looking it was just funny. How about the ape-man and the snake? Is it is pet python or is it trying to kill him?

The kids were really into this poster outside the dinosaur ride. I was forced to give an explanation of evolution that conformed to the visual, which the kids found very authoritative. It went roughly as follows - first monkeys walked around on all fours, which was probably pretty boring since you couldn’t see very well, plus your hands were always dirty and just plain muddy on rainy days. Eventually, one got really mad about this situation, picked up a stick, stood up and started yelling. Fortunately, the artist captured this very event.
After that a fairly straightforward evolutionary process kicked in in which the monkeys gradually got taller, less hairy, happier about their clean palms plus the sticks they carried got better. The picture was clearly painted before vintage t-shirts, cargo pants and hand sanitizer were invented. That would have been the next picture. Why did I spend a whole semester studying evolution in college when I could have just gone on the dinosaur ride in Saigon?

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